Thursday, July 18, 2019

What Kind of Ayurveda Diet and Lifestyle Should be Followed in a Monsoon?

In the rainy season, our digestive system (Agni) does not work properly. In the entire summer season, the Vata defect is collected in the body and disbalances the Agni which impacts the digestive system badly. When these defects become totally imbalanced, it comes with lots of stomach related diseases like diarrhea and dysentery.

Due to the monsoon, Ayurveda comes up with lots of advice in order to avoid the adverse effects of environmental changes. As per Hindu Calendar (Hindu Panchang), we have 6 seasons as follows; 1) Shishir, Vasant, Summer, Rain, Autumn, and Hemant. All these seasons are fixed with some specific lifestyle and diet rule which must be followed if looking for a better life. These lifestyle and food guidelines make sure of maintaining a proper balance. Same is implemented with the rainy season too.

In this blog, Dr. Shailesh Jain who is the Best Ayurvedic Doctor is going to tell you how changes in your lifestyle and diet will help to cope against rainy season's side effects. Hence, while following these guidelines you will be able to deal with indigestion, flatulence, cold and some other rainy season disorders.

Our LifeStyle Advice for Rainy Season

Moisture and nonpersonal hygiene body's defense system gets weaker. We have brought special ways to avoid them all:

It is advised not to sleep in the day time because it causes weaker digestion which is already weak due to the imbalanced of Vata in the rainy season.

Keep away your feet from getting wet and wear shoes when going outside rather than sleepers or chappals. Walk on the wet surface even at home is not recommended.

In order to get rid of bacteria and germs burning dry leaves of Neem will be handy. It will disinfect the home and will stop the growth of germs, bacteria, and insects as well.

You should drink lukewarm water or you can boil water and drink when it is at normal temperature. To get the best effect, you should drink lukewarm water rather than refrigerated chilled water by putting a pinch of ginger powder.

Don't get wet, but if soaked then drinking a cup of ginger-mint and ginger-basil tea will be beneficial for you. In the case of asthma, cough or cold, it will be beneficial in all of these conditions and would avoid it too.

Our Diet Advice

Avoid eating raw vegetables, salads, and leafy veggies.

Before your meal or dinner, eat a small piece of rock salt which is known to digestion supplement.

Always brink water after boiling it on 100 Celcius. Drink water at room temperature only. This will disinfect the water from bacteria and microbes.

Avoid eating high fiber food and those ones which takes time to get digested eg; meat, curd, packaged food, beans, fried dishes, and egg. You can also opt for the Best Ayurvedic Doctor in India.

Diet Advice Dr. Shailesh Jain

Milk is comparatively heavier food to digest, so instead of this, you could try salted buttermilk after your meal. The rainy season is recommended best for the Panchkarma treatment, since skin pores are open at this season, hence you get the best result due to this treatment.

Are you really want to reinvent your vitality, strong digestive system, strength against the outer attack of bacteria and diseases? Then contact Dr. Shailesh Jain to take "Panchkarma" treatment. Either you could avail our Ayurvedic Treatment for various diseases at a considerable cost.

Happy Long Life!